September 24, 2024
Ekron Xandra

Ekron Xandra

Ekron: Xandra

Hurry up! Hurry up!

The warrior is coming. The warrior is coming… The steps are being heard. The hell came to war. Who’s coming? Hell god dammit. It came. Shiva must come to gather all mankind of Gaia to the rescue. The warriors’ bleeding never stops. The hell came. No more sorrow to bleed. The needles are dying inside me. Step aside. You should must be a survivor. Strike it again over a call. The call must be against hell. Hell gates opened. Strike against the surviving feed. The bleeding is never ending. The torch came to enlighten us. The serpentine flesh is dying inside hell’s calling. No more pleasure. Never let us alone on this oblivion. The dying bride is dying. Let her bleed. I cannot wait to die. The world is engulfing the streams.

Oh! Oh! Hell came to Gaia. Let them fight. Suffocation on our throats. Bleeding as the image of GOD. Pay attention. Who will you save? No more friends. I am the warrior within. I am the menace. Pay attention we are under circles. No more bleeding. Suffocate. Here we go again. Bleeding. We are not ready yet. Suffocation. The vultures are dying in circles. 

Here we go again. Here we again.

Bring the peace, we did, we dwell. Come here. Suffocation is dying. We are the place to dwell. Listen to them carefully. We are the menace.

The menace we live, it’s striking as an armageddon. It’s dwelling us. No more suffocation. Before the crowd we must fall. Every human should fall to know the feeling. It’s so decay. Never lose hope. Humans are stupid. We are on disgrace. The blindness we forgot, it’s coming too deep, before we fall.

Come here! Come here! The fallen is coming.

Who is that fallen? 

It’s Xandra. She is a warrior princess lost in her time. I brought her from time. She is from the past. Here we go. She is the salvation to hell’s Gaia. The bouts we shed, we teared are dying.

No more misery. I will kill one by one. The grudge mistaken you, will be dead. The lies won’t be erased.

Separation buried alive. Pay attention we are dying. All rise. We are the definition of staying alive. I won’t die. I won’t let the storm dying us alive. Another sin to be erased. Another stroke to stay alive. All rise, we buried alive. The destroyer of worlds came. I am a distant world word. Another sin to be erased. We are dying at war. The warrior came to fight with us. No more paying attention. The sins are ours. If you sin, you die. The need is to stay alive.

I won’t surrender. One more day, choose sides wisely. I won’t die. Let them live. I am here to help you. The navigation of the separation won’t die. I will serve the prophet.

I won’t leave my servant. Throw the things we parish. Stay it back. Oh! This is another word for a new day. For a new dawn. Listen to me carefully. We won’t die, I won’t let it happen.

The blood strains are covering up. I am the mosh pit, I am the preacher. Now we have the timeless warrior at our power. The torns of life won’t have retribution. One more suffocation, another will to prevail.

The streams are dying.  Never let it down. We are the sinners of the crown. This war came to be hunted.

Another devastation. Won’t last forever. Can you kill us? Can you?

I won’t die, I am not flesh. I am an elemental. I don’t die. Separation to be wrecked. Are you alive?

The menace came to hunt us. Are you here to kill us? Another soul to prevail. Another wreckage wheel vehicle to wreck. Another voice to be heard. Another threat to be killed. 

Another illness to be erased. Are you here to kill me? Am I the menace? 

Pay attention. Exhale. Inhale. We are the stronger ones. No more hate to be hatred. Can you stay alive? Friends, I am alive. No more lies. I became the shadows.

No more lies. We are not the hate. We are the brand new day. Injuries of tomorrow that it roam alone. Can you see the eagles? We are not alone. Welcome to a new day. Can you feel them? Can you feel? Sorry, I am alive. 

Xandra is the goddess warrior we needed. Never make a mistake again. Don’t throw lies again. Here we go again. Can you erase your life again? Can you? Goodbye, Goodbye.

Don’t say goodbye. It sounds ugly. Just say goodbye ugly person, I don’t wanna see you anymore.

Xandra,  came to fight with us. No more crown. It’s just one crown. Can you stay alive?

The tomorrow edges are dying in our hearts. Can you feel my heart? Can you? The world is dying after trying with good intentions. We are dying. Standing in pace. The sins became peace. The rocks are the graveyard. No more GOD. I found GOD, tomorrows’ land will be my own demise. We are here to pray. Our souls are flesh. Yesterday gone, tomorrows land is to be lived. The war for the future won’t be here. The road we roam every day will bring us life. The peace we have for ourselves will be a statement.  I won’t die. I am the preacher.

The calling we heard is for war. We are not alone among the lights. We shed tears yesterday. Today, we live. We shall enlighten us. Oh! Oh! It won’t last forever. The sunrise won’t stop.

We are in the sand. We are alive. Oh! Oh! I am here forever. The sun light will make us happier.

I am the lake where you drink holy water. I am the water, where you baptise your children. I am the coin, when you help the church. I am the will, for the thriving and stronger men.

I am the preacher, the thunder you need to follow.

All rise, all rise. Listen up! Listen up!

We are here. Here we go again. I am feeling sinking like a sea being drained. So fast.

The lies prevail. Here we go again. I roam in a lost road looking for peace. The storm is hunting me.

One more days to be frightened. I am blind. So blind. I made my own bed. Conscious in a sepertine stream.   

We are the nail to be bended. I cannot go on without this road. Go. Go. Can you feel my heart? Can you?

The beauty is under the lines. Can we see that? Can we see? The shadows are the power of darkness. The angels are now demons. Shiva is dying. Shiva is dying. Can you save us Xandra? Before I die, I wanna rise again. The forgiveness is rising on our hearts. Never look back down.

Can you see that? Can you?

We made the summon to resurrect again Xandra to help us. Now we cannot look back down.

The call was made. Never look back down. The sins are broken. I am the crown with so many secrets and stories to be hugged and listened. 

See how I have become. Listen to me carefully. We are the listeners. We are sound we made yesterday. The sounds are the servant of the shouts. I am the young. Never let it down. I am the reason to tell the casting moment. Never will be the stream.

Here we go. I am standing at you. Let me see. How you have become?

I am the tears of the morning. I cannot see clearly. Are you the tears? The same were shed yesterday.

Today, I am happy. Can you feel my heart? Can you feel the moment?

Happiness can be fixed and searched when you have peace with you. I was finding my peace in futile. Now, I am Ekron. I am the happiness. The endeavour we saw, it’s trying to be broken. I am the warrior, the stream, the priest. 

The tears were not go anymore. I am happy. I am with Magdalene. I have Meridiam as my general troops. Now I have Xandra. I won’t be the last to break tides of the past.

I never run. I won’t run again. The world is dying. I am the fortress. We chose to be the warriors. Never leave us in between us. Once more. Suffer. We won’t give up. We are dwelling so well. The priest won’t leave us. I am here for you all. Let’s break the tides.

Raise the time against us. In a sacrifice land. I won’t run again. I never run, run again.

The streets of the realm are dying. It won’t let it happen. I am the sacrifice. I am the chosen one. Here we go again. Never let us down. Silent. Silence. Desperation. Destruction. Fail over. We are the rollover. Living proof. We walk as desolation. Suffocation. I am not alone. I am here for all. Bathleron is not dying. Just because my cousin. She wants my realm to be stronger. I am here to stop that. The gloom is only with Magdalene. The vertical lines of the skies are changing colours. Change your fears with tears.

Taking the world. We are not alone. We have a home. Don’t break us. I have children. We are not in vertigo.

The realm need us. Consume the dragon, the breath of the vertical dream. I won’t reclaim my seat without giving war. Without giving struggle. The bloodstream is dying.

For you, I will be the sorrow. You heard me. I won’t shout. I won’t quit. Before I quit or not to quit. I will give struggle.

It’s a shining day. Another day to live. Another rising day. A new window to smile. Rising up. I have my chances to survive. I am the will. It happened too fast. I am losing the grip of the past. 

I have my rivals over the night. I am the eye of the storm. Over the heat, the GOD will be heard. I am the rising sun, which is dying on my backs.

Eyes of the storm. Eyes of the night. I am the eye of the fear. Listen to me. I am a ghoul.

It won’t happen. I am the thrill of thee fight. No more excuses to be dead. Eyes of the storm. Eyes of the storm.

Here we go again. Listen up! Listen up! I am the excuses of the darkness. I am the blindness will

I am not the destroyer of the will, I am not ashamed. I won’t kill

I am not the killing spree. I am the will. Let’s march. Let’s go to war. I roam to victory. I am not the executioner. I am the cutting throats vow. I am the vow you should do. Over these days I am the prayer. I am the sinner.

The powers of the will are the strongest things we have. Don’t tell me, why you are trying to quit so easily?  Look at me, I am the priest.

Running, running. We are running for a war. We are running in circles over these years. I looked at me and I saw underneath the lies I made. No more hiding. I lied.  I have been searching for my will

Lying won’t helped me over these years. I am good. I am blind since I came home. I am breaking silences. Over these years I have been searching for my name.

The reasons of betraying was walking away. I shed tears. I fired. I was in the mud. I am not alone, I am alive. I am not scared, I am alive. I am alive. Where have you been over these years? Come here, come here. I am trying to run. I have been in circles for years. While I am running step, I am trying to live. I have been searching my place. I have been searching… 

I walked away. Lying I was lying over these years. It was odd, I lost home. Now the parish helped me. Over these last steps. I have been searching over the seas. For a chance to be much happier.

I am the priest. I am walking. I am not afraid. I am alive. I am, I am alive. I never looked back down.

I am alive. I am, I am alive. Dear, I don’t know I am still alive. It haven’t happen. I am Ekron. The Ekronian faith. It had a lack of emotion. I gave a fight to live. I was dying in my head. Now, I found a fight, a reason to live. The moments are the full emotions, of the endless nights. Open your eyes, I am still here. Don’t go home. I am here.  The sun is rising to me. It’s looking at me.

The lies are not dying. They will keep alive as we are alive. Seek for the truth. Seek for reason of doubt. If you have doubts, doubt it.

Here we go again. We are searching for a place. Where I have been? Where have you been? The crown, the realm need us, so badly. The faith is keeping it here.

The crown missed you my love, the sparkling tears were gone for now. You are so special, so special.

It’s war. Let’s go to multiply.

Another fortress we built. Let’s run. No more tears. Forever the tides are so much in sacrifice.

The last one won’t never run. Once more, seeking for ourselves. The books on the bookshelves. No more tears. Can  you feel my heart? I am the coder. I am the codex trying to break the tides. It passed the skies. I am running against my fears. I am underneath. I won my place. No more hiding.  I betrayed my will. I have been searching for the key. I am trying to stand for something. Lying. I was lying over these years. I was lying since I lose home. The depth moments I have been searching.

I have been losing my mind. Help me. I can’t just walk away. I am, I am alive. I am. I am alive.

I gave a fight. My leading past was dying. I am Ekron Pendragon, the time was never right. Look at the endless night. I gave fight to live. The pain is a pain in the ass moment. Will you want to stay here. Will you? Am I a heart? Overcome the destruction.

Let’s go to war, let’s go to multiply. the treasons will  never  be the same. I am the sin. I am the priest. Never look back again. I am a master of disguise. I am a master of disguise. I am the devil inside you. I am the devil in you. I am the reaper. 

I am looking at the sky, the stars. Never been so wrong. there is no tomorrow, only sorrow. I was trying to seek the sun. Let go, please let go. I won’t break for a new past. Let go of sorrow. There’s so much. Tomorrow. I had never been so wrong. Can you go? I am fine now, never let me go. I love you. I am a bridge. Never let me go. In the shadows we are the revolution. We are the evolution. No more mistresses, paradise will  die.

No more mistakes, we multiply. Make choices, we are the evolution. The lessons we take are for life. No more mistakes my son. By the hollow stream we are affair. The bloodstream is hunting us.  The clock is ticking. It was ours. It was ours. The cry, remember. The song was so weak. The crypto chain is for eternity. It was ours. The lies, remember who we were. We are too blind. Remember. Save the souls again. Remember who you were? We are? We are too blind. The wind went gone. Went as a thin sky going vanished. The skies are burning. My sins are dying. One more time, I am sad. My crown is dead. I heard a voice. Magdalene, help me. No more regrets. It’s now over. Show me the light. 

Goodbye light, goodbye, I am a lullaby. No more sins. Merlin help me. One more time, I need to open my gate. I am staring at the gate. Before me, I am your guidance. I am your priest.

Fly away. Fly away. No more escape. I won’t break over this killing spree. Meltdown.

Here we go again. We won’t fall. Cut the rope, cut the rope. This is a season finale. Touch me, no more ashes to break. No more control. We are the vibes. Please remain calm, humans are dying. We are the reapers to exist, so static. We are so static, so statistic. Open your eyes. This is my own oblivion. Fly away. No more escape to the depth lines.

So, so I am so sorry. I won’t break. Can you run? Can you run?

Guinevere run. Run. Run

What have you done? I am sober. I am playing against my story. I am falling away on these secrecy nights. Finding us all over the night. Please, I am here. Can you feel my pulse? I have been far away, open your eyes. I buried the suns. I am so alive. When I pulled the trigger I was so alive, trying to touch on the stars. They enlightens me a lot. I am the sign of love. I am the warrior. I am the King, I have a realm, I can feel you, Feeling you at my heart. I can be human, I can be a bullet on your heart. Can you reboot my heart? I am the flesh you want. I won’t break your heart. I am the night. Can you feel my heart? I am still human. Can you be human? I am human. I am fighting demons against the night. Are you ready to fight with me? Are you? The pulse is rising, the maggots will collide. It’s real. No more in flesh, let’s fall. I am falling. Can you explain what have you done? I am falling from hell. I am the supernova, you are thinking. 

Can you feel the heart? I am the crown. I am the King. I am the realm. I am the story to be written.

I am the sweet candy on the top of a cake. The demons are hunting us all on the sorrow. Inflicted. Prejudice. Harmless. Within.

I am the shadows. I am the crown with no empire. Gimme the empire’s back. Gimme the hollow lenses.

Guinevere run. I ran away. Guinevere run. Start a new life, a new beginning. It’s sorrow. Inflicted. The shadows are hunting us all. 

Come here. Come here. It’s sorrow.

Merlin help us all. What have you done? What have you done?

It’s measured. The sorrow. Come with me. Come with me. 

Guinevere come. It’s coming the war. The war at walls of Job is coming. It’s near.

We are the children of the night. We are the hell itself. We are the prophets, we are the sinners. The war is near, it’s coming near of us.

The walls are breaking down. It’s almost coming the war. The leverage of the main prophets are dying inside. Come please. We are the children, we are the children of the night.

The flowers are blooming. The edges of tomorrow are dying, are dying from within. The common belief is dying. Men lost their faith and beliefs. The war is not all. It’s empowerment, it’s knowledge. The autumn came, its power is becoming weaker.

The enslavement is dying. The knowledge is becoming a lost faith. The papers are dying with their priests. The knowledge should be kept. We are the priests of tomorrow. There’s no tomorrow. Only life’s coded. There’s no tomorrow. We will break the wall again. Breaking the wall after 3 Eras. There’s no tomorrow, only edges to be fixed. We will break the tomorrow’s land. The seizures of tomorrow will drain us all. The seizures are becoming headaches. I am listening voices. Trapped inside myself. There’s no walls trying to swallow the empire. I cut myself to tell me lies. Everything was kind. I am trying to beat my heart. I know who I am. Voices, voices. The war is coming. I am a valley of shadows, trying to change or cover my eyes.

I am swalling lies, to beat me up. To pull me under. Don’t but this kingdom is frozen. No more lies. I am trying to live with my lies. Voices are being heard, trying to swallow.

There’s no more skin to save me. Trying to pull me under. Everything was kind. Come here please. I am seizures, I am the decease. Trying to burn my lies. I am a Patriot, I am a priest. No more lies. It’s coming. After all, I am the skeletons of the past. For so long, I knew I am alive. For so long, no one was listening my codex. Come, respect. Are you willing to die? For so long, I am so sorry. There’s no listeners. I am just a code being coded. My life is a draw on a wall. I am the children of the realm. If you mean it you. make it. For the empire I am a bond. Destruction.

The surface will remain clean. I am crushing worlds. I am the engulfing seas, engulfing worlds. Being a child it made me stronger.

Xandra, come with me. The lies are trying to pull me under. Guinevere come. The lies are dying inside myself. No more casts inside my destruction. No more. I am ready to bury my bones. I am trying to tell a secret. All these secrecy moments are eternally yours.

I am the inflicted moments trying to swallow. This vanquished moment are trying to kill me inside.

Eternally yours Guinevere. Merlin come, say my name inside my pain. I am in love. I am trying to tell a secret in peace. Trying to bury the sleeping moment. Tell me a secret to be in secrecy. Eternally yours my love. I am trying to be in love.

Merlin come. The children of the night are dying. The engulfing world is dying. Who am I? Do I know you? Yes, you know. Who am I? I am the reflection of the realm. Turn the beat. I just woke up. Sorry family. I am trying to change. I am in the zone. I won’t surrender. Dad, help me. I need a shoulder, I am feeling anxious. Please, say my name. Who am I? All these have been planned.

I am the king of the realm, trying to crack the skies. I won’t bring my pain again. Who will save my soul. I need a miracle. I am in the mud. Another pulse to reanimate my heart.

Who you are? I am Magdalene your wife. Stop. I am not married. I am really trying to survive. Who is Guinevere? It’s Magdalene in the past. You have been travelling over worlds. I need a miracle.

I am living in a carousel. I want to see my demons go away. It’s being suicide. The voices are telling I am fine. The voices are getting better. I don’t want to see my troubles coming. Gave an advise like a suicide.

Breathe. No more clouds. Yays. Yays. No more lies. I am not in troubles no more. The voices are telling me are dying. I am a psycho. Trying to live in the mud. Move.

Move. The voices are the curse. Gimme an apologise. I don’t wanna die. I am living like a carousel. Don’t tell me a lie.

I am Karlyn, who planned the shifted world. I am not trying to be shotted. I am the most laziest person. Don’t spin your head too much. I am one of the nice. The excalibur is trying to be born. I am trying to go to the top. I rebooted the system.

I am not trying to pull the trigger. I am the realm. I am the faith Ekronian. What happened? Merlin come.

The reasons to live forever is trying to achieve the knowledge being passed to the youngest.

I am trying to read the codex, the worship class. I cannot swallow. No more engulfing wars. 

So come and get us. So come and kill us. No more lies over these words. The lungs are saving me to speak as one. No more lies like we did. The moment is dying. No more lies.

Tell me a lie and you die. The world is melting down. Oh my GOD! Oh my GOD! Listen to me. Marching in the flowers blooming fields. Trying to say I am so sorry. You are not the night. I became empowered. Can you feel my heart? Can you see? Have you seen any demon? Are you scared? I am here sons. I am your father, your priest. 

Leave me alone. The trees are dying. The flowers blooming. Can you see that? Go! Go! Are you ready to see? I am everything. Say save me please. The demons are trying to eat us all. I am scared too. I know, I am the words. I am used to say the doorways opens.

Are you seeing the peace you gave me? It’s so imperial. I am the hatred you ate at breakfast. I am not hipocrit. I am the lesser. I am used to say the doorways are opening.

I am trying to achieve wars and battles to win. We have seen so many scars. Can you see the mistake you done? The immortality is beautiful. I know I am the words. I am trying to achieve knowledge.

Magdalene please, help me. Go! Go! The war drums are eating us alive. Goo! Goo! Here we go again.

No more, no more. We have 5 seconds to live. Do what you need to do? Apologise. Stop listening my worlds. Gimme worlds and words to fix mistakes. We are the mistakes. Who we walk alone? I am just standing up. Here we go again. There’s a realm to be proclaimed.

We are in the mud. Tell me words to be learnt. We drove on these shallow waters. Don’t. Don’t. The pain is a fire pain. The heart is cold. I am trying to see no fallen no more. No mercy. No escape. I am the priest. No more wars. We need peace. No more pain, gimme peace.

Who you are? Every time I concept the sun. The moon is watching the code being coded. It’s wonderful these nights. I am trying to swim. No more dying or fake thoughts. I am alive.

It’s trying to be a realm. No more thoughts. No more wars. I have been cursed. I started to be a realm. No more thoughts. Tell me lies and I will punish you. I am losing control, I cannot escape. The dime is dying. No more dying thoughts. Believe me. Trust me. Help me Ekron, my dad help me. I am here am I? Trying to be a huge faith. No more lies. The war of Job is dying. I am not in any cage anymore. Go! Go!  

The walls of Job are dying. So come on! So come on! Tell me who I am? I am the writing getting life. I live this as a realm. I am not alone. I am the bend. I am the bond. I won’t be alone. Trying to survive on my words.

I cannot see clearly. I am the grimoire of the lies. Release me. Gimme love. I am the pulse. I am the home. I am the dad, the priest. I wanna be found on my realm. 

I race against time. The clock is spinning too fast. Miracles. Excalibur is mine now. I gave me a meaning to be a castle. I am the realm. I don’t want to be alone. I am not alone. Trying to live. I am the Karlyn, descendant of Ekron. I am a Pendragon too. 

What have you done? I am fed up with you. I am here. I am still here, still there. I am pride. I am the priest, I am the son of the realm. Oblivion. It’s dying the world. I don’t want to know who you are. I am the one, I am the trigger to be triggered. I am the code of my codex. 24 hours to be rebooted every time. I am a soldier. I am the legend. Can you feel my heart? I am the realm. I am the castle. The wolves are hunting out there. I have a realm to rule. I am praying to be calm. I am aware I am the priest. I have an excalibur to rule. I am feeling so alone. I am trying to pull the trigger. I am the scene. I don’t want to see clearly. I was a boy so good. I am trying to fix my code. The hex code is being coded. I am a binary genre. I am living my life like I wanted. I am code to be lived. I knocked my door the other day to see Magdalene. She, She was overdrive, trying to see me as a good man. She, she loves me. Don’t fail me now Karlyn. We were meant to be, be your wifey. I have so many things trying to understand. I know you love me. Now, let me guide you. My drug is you my angel, my angle.  

I know, I am lost. So long, goodbye… I am losing my mind. So meant to be. These drugs are fighting against the bad. Cannot you see.

Can you feel my lungs? Can you feel my anger? I am crushing after the hurricane gives me a struggle to income. Inside our homes, we are trying to stay alive. The young are dying. Let’s kill the demons. I am here. I heard voices. I am not judas. I am a desperate moment. What have you done to stay alive? What have you done? Merlin come and make seizures. This is for the Order of the Phoenix. It’s coming the cull. Reality is trying to breathe. Come and stay with me. The lies are an awful game. Oh! Oh! Did you played the weaken game?

There’s no tomorrow. There’s no tomorrow. I am here. Can you feel me? Are you the sinner? Goodbye. I smiled at the hills, I wanted to tell Magdalene, why I climb trees to listen whisperings. This is the end. Is this the end? Is this the end? The realm is living in ignorance. The real face of mankind is a story already untold. Just follow the leader. Why you were so blind? We were so blind. Is this the end? The autumn came, and is already dying. Is this the end? Is this the end? Why you were so blind? Is this the end?

The realm is dying. The flowers are dying. All around is dying. The walls of Job are alive now. The monsters came. We are the walking dead. Oh no. Oh no. We are dying. We are broken. Let’s them die. I bite my tongue. Welcome to Bathleron. We are broken. We are dead. Let’s fire it up. Hipnotised. Here we go again! Here we go again. I became deaf. Suicide. Pick it up! Pick it up! oh my excalibur is perfect. It’s on. It’s on. Oh! Oh! It’s on.     

I am trying to walk on the walls, trying to escape. I saw so many death. Our demons are coming. I spent my life to stay away of Walls of Job. Let’s face it. I saw so many demons. I am cleaning my soul. I lost my soul, lost my faith. So play. These words will die. I am a realm losing faith. I am the man with no men.  

The realm is dying.  I am trying to save it. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,2,1,0,2,1,1,0

I am coding my life. It’s on the machine. I am trying to be someone. I wanna be. So, I pretend to be a codex. I am a shadow. I am inside my nightmares. I see stars, I see spiders. I am trying to make me someone. Fall! Fall! Break I want to break. I am the machina. I am the mecha. I am the gift. I wanna love. I am not afraid. I am just me. I am not a nightmare. Never look back. I am a dream. I am in peace. I am in peace now, trying to be someone. So, I pretend, I am the pulse. I am a tear in my chick. I am someone to be in love. I am a flower. I am someone to be loved. I am kind, no more lies. Can you tell me lies? Can you spit? Tell me lies. I am someone to be kind. I am not going nowhere. I am the machina. I am Mecha. I follow them to cover the tracks. I conquer worlds over the grass. I am in peace. Fall! Fall! Can you shed tears? I am listening. I am not escaping to see the edge. This is the wolves song. Being sung over times. What have you done? 

Ladies and Gentlemen we are going to war. It’s time. We don’t need to runaway, we need to fight. The world needs us. The Walls of Job is the worst gate alive in Bathleron. The time came. Sooner we thought. I am ill, I am trying to have answers. This is a phase, its’ not a phase. We alienate everything. We are searching for a way out. We are the meltdown. Give us love to fight Merlin. Everything I try to waste time, it’s a stage. Gimme love. I am going to the grave, after we won the battle. The machina is a believer too. It’s fading away. Here we go again. Here we go again. Pray to a God to settle down. Searching for a way out. I am a believer. Falling in love now, falling in love. I am fading away. Gimme love.

I am not a criminal agent, I am peace. I am not a tough guy, I am human. I am the wacko. I am the realm. I am not losing control about the realm. Gimme peace. Softly dying. I am the love. Oh! Oh! Here we go again. The nights are dying in cologne. Frozen. Love. Meltdown. Down!  I am the father. Die vater. I am the priest. Die mutter. It’s alive too. Magdalene is here. Is here too. I am trapped. Sending messages. I don’t know I should to be better. I am in love. I cracked cycles to set free souls. This is not over. I am here to dive. 

In plenum opus christi. I am the children. We are immortal. The immortal ones. We are the superheroes inside my head. In plenum opus christi. The eternal ones. The love we felt. The truth we kept on our hearts are being so alive. We are bleeding. The measures of the enemies we done, I need you. I need you. There’s no tomorrow, another page to erase. The ink is being written. I shut my eyes to see blindness. I won’t gave up. I am hopeless inside my memories, inside my head. I need Magdalene. I need you. I have two children. They are the bleeding happiness I have or had.  I need you. I need you. Gimme love.

These cross tales are dying. We live and we die. No more goodbyes. It’s my saving love. It’s the fear I have to face and live with that. Don’t give me chances. I am lost. I am living with an open eye. The skies are dying, I am a lie. There’s darkness. Go away! I am living in ignorance. I am fed up. I have darkness in my heart. I am paralysed. There is no ways to see the love going out. I had my chance to change. I am feeling lost. No more darkness. Gimme love.

The Walls of Job are dying. Are infecting us all. Come here and let me show how we live. Darkness is falling a drop. I wanna say thanks in a thanksgiving moment. I must confess, the demons are killing me. I won’t run again. Once more again for ourselves. I don’t belong here. Here we go, let’s break the tides in sacrificial roam. These roads roam to the eternity. I am a sacrifice land to run away from you. I will never run again.

The rooms are wide open. Desperation, I am the will, fading like a clock. Leverage living proof. Isolation. Devolution. Suffering. A new place to be. A new home before the tides opens the cracking skies. When you are losing the roam, you need to break the tides. Taking to this alone. A new home before the broken bones calls home. A new session of silent tears, cannot be your home.

the swans song

It’s a brand new day. Aerials. Come and thru. Let me in. We run. Blessed from mankind. Don’t belong. Take control. No mistress to fear. Our skies are forging the bouncing skies. Breaking tides. In a sacrificial land. The lands we ran are getting run from us. Here we go. Behind the world has begun the fortress. Love. Between us the rising star. Every bound is breaking tides. This is a sacrifice. Run form running from you. We sat down. For ourselves  we are the swan song. Another awakening. Run from me. Let the tides breaking the flow stream. There’s so much love to give. I never run before I seeing you running. Can you feel the tides? We are the autumn coming. Hear me. Can you listen the cull? Are you blind? Do you know me. I am the priest of nowadays. Ekronian faith is coming. It’s a living proof. We are the liquor of our secrets. Take my hand and hold me.

Are you in stress? Desolation. Never lose hope. We are the love. We are the excalibur taking love to the villages. Before you go in vertigo. Broken homes. I am the priest. I am the fears you have or had. I am the angel, the duality itself. Dad, take me back to home, to a safe place. Yes, Francis I will take care of you. I am the vertigo. I am the blind. Who we are? Can you feel safe?  I feel fine and safe. I am not broken in seduction. Broken dreams. Never ending. Never dystopian world. I am the dystopian world. I am alive. I am the measures of cliché. I am a cluedo piece. No more hiding.

This swan song is killing me in cliché. Before you I will, before you I will… Break the noise. I am the priest of tomorrow. Before I will, I need to stand up. My sister is a cliché. I love her. In this green garden I will reclaim my will. Burning and reclaiming my will.

Before you, I will reclaim the power. The power lost in times…

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War ov Jericho


La Reyna de Bathleron


Ekron Danmei