September 24, 2024
Samurai Babel #1 (Restart)
Samurai Babel

Samurai Babel #1 (Restart)

The world of Babel takes on the lands of Shishiwara, lands of forbidden wars, a land of lost and confusion. Where the lies become the sins of the persons. Turned into several Shogun Tribes, Cabals. Of fear and fearless lands.
We dig into them as lost souls, keepers or saviors of them own skins.
Today, those lands are even through a piece to achieve every day, with no struggles. The wars led to us to a dark moment lost in our own minds. A dark moment for don't be forgiven or led to us a war again.
Every Cabal has his own rules, his own code, his own conduct to achieve our own peace.

Today is cold in Babel City. Too cold that we can freeze. We are broken but never gave up in our memories of time. The war came to stay. My life and my brothers time is to come as warriors.

  • Our life is another breath. - Does it. Yes does it.
    These wars came to stay. I am listening voices that pull me under. Pull me under.
  • Mushimato I can’t listen nothing. Why you are saying that?
  • Shi It’s my head. I am feeling too in cage. Pull me under. Don’t let me die.
    Voices haunting, hunting my deep soul. Can you hear again the call anymore? The city is falling apart. The city is being destroyed through the guillotines war kills. Its locked up our changes. My moments won’t say goodbye. Pull off the strings. Life is not be drained. Deteriorated hearts. I won’t resign. Life goes on. The voices I hear are too intense even my sister does not can aware. I am aware the sins I made. I cannot see clearly.
  • Sister I am too sick, I don’t know who I am anymore. I am always in struggles with my head. Head spins. I cannot see clearly who is a friend nowadays. Oh dear save me. Save me, save me.
    The voices are getting worse every day. I have been locked up from inside out. Sis I am feeling tired and sick to follow my voices. I am a Ronin, I still trying to figure out why I am Ronin. By my own, by my disguise. I am ready to face life like a Ronin.
  • Dear, should I live or stay my life breathe a new way to suffer consequences? AKA. I am a nightmare. A creature now.
  • No dear, you are not a creature even of the night.
  • You are my brother trying to reach a new Shogun. Someone to follow.
  • Yes, I am. I am a dying creature. Trying to resign. Trying to be polite.
    We are on a new Gaia, a new Era to say goodbye. Too much sulphur to breathe or being as a breath. Like pollution to be felt inside the lungs. There is no escape. No more lies to fear. No more salvation to be rescued. Its everything a new reality, a new dream.
  • I must go. I need to seek my faith. The belief gone so long time ago. I have so many doubts. - Shishimato I should go. I must. When am I safe I send a letter.
  • Don’t go, we found a way. Don’t go.
  • Yes I must go. Goodbye. This is the last goodbye. Last goodbye.

My path is new, cleaned. Even a search a path to seek my own belief. It’s time to redeem myself. I am no longer whom you used to know. Implode. Explode. This is so true. I am the Ronin, letting you go for a friction of love, of a new cause. The reasons I left was to seek peace peacefully. To redeem my heart. Every day is a new completion. I have so many doubts to say goodbye to Shishimato, my beloved sister. I decided to leave her to mesh my sensors for answers. To seek meshes on the web to tail my life stream. Trying to speak serpentine worship. To roundabout. Wherever I go, is there always a way to scream my doubts away. I should and I must leave behind or left behind my own skin. Pull me under off these voices. These doubts are swallowing myself in passion instead swallowing the darkness that I need to lie. Too kind.
I have doubts to seek the truth. Shishimato begged to stay and I couldn’t to stay, in due, I need to see and felt alone these sorrow pains. I am Shi, the Ronin, with too many things spinning on my head. Too much voices, too much pains to swallow. I am feeling to seek a fake or even a failing plan to see me as a buddhist. I am a prayer. No more pains. These aroused kicking pains, too painful are being too deep painful. I wont resign, I should walk. Even I knock to every shoguns to proof my loyalty. I am a Ronin, seeking the paradise as servant.

Letters #1
Dear Shishimato, I am this letter, the first one since I gone. I lost my mind. It happens all the time. I wanted to meant to be with you. I miss you a lot down in misery. I have a lot of questions to understand. I am trying to live my life. Trying to reach something I wanted all the time. It was meant to be here. Can you remember how we were happy in our home? In our fields. Meant to be yours. I cannot see or even think. I am here outside, on a garden, writing to see the flowers bloom too. Ever and ever again. I am always trying to hold my breath. Every day I struggle to be a survival. Every day I struggle to not to die. Every day the path is getting darker. Every day I think on our daily happy days we had. Struggling each other as a self discipline warrior. It could be something to meant to be. This, this is life. I just want to say thank you.
Hope to hear you soon...
Letters #2
Dear Shishimato, I did not heard from you, of the last letter I wrote. What happened to you?
I go back to there. I must go there to see you. No one told me nothing. Even knowing my address, the last one. I am Ronin, now I can be a Shogun, of our lands, our own lands. I go straight. Wait for me Sister. I love you. I am coming to our own cathedral.
Just wait... More two days of traveling.

These roads are getting too dark. Most dark. More dark it gets more darker our hearts become. I walk over these roads for so long time. It have a been I walked for the first time. No more. No more time to waste. I am coming. I am coming. These roads are hunting me from inside. I need save you from these demons. I don’t have a clue to do that. To feel alive again, so alive. I won’t see the darkness gone too soon. These roads are to consume too opium. To sell and consume. I was a son good. Now, I am not the pillar of a family already stopped living. No more, no longer a pillar.
Dad, made us too kind. Men and Women with no sins inside our hearts. We shed tears of joy.
We are good humans. Humans to stay alive. I cannot chase ghosts stuck in the past. A past too recent. Another hate to clean.

  • I am coming back to you. Just hold on. - I am there for you, always did.
    Today on these roads I saw my own reflection. It saw me as a creature to be killed or to be shot. Everything is changing. The bad of I is killing from inside to outside. Who the hell I am to leave?
  • I won’t resign to save my soul. Screamed a lot for salvation. - I am not like you. Grunted again.

My eyes are looking at you, staring at you. demons analyses my break arrow, a broken heart. six feet under falling apart.
I was born dead, searching for a demon killer. Slayers to kill and hunt head demons.
Here we go again. Sanctuary to be broken, searching for the truth.
Pull the trigger, i am a bullet, to break out, a machinery a believer.
Every morning i live, is a demon way to follow back. I do not know is a question or a pulsing rage. i pull the air over the air. Break down!
Another machinery pulse. Falling apart. Today i am on stage. Mom is always be there for you. Starting to seek a way out.
Here we go again, here we go again...
Seek to escape of your machinery prison. Seeking for love. Everybody is on hell. Killing free.
Listen my voice. I am a broken heart, another person to be a shot. Another good vibe. I am yours, eternally yours.
Is there be always forever. Forever after.
My eyes are watching for you. Is there anybody to see?
Do I knew you? No. I am your son, to thank you. I am here for you. So alive, pulsing good vibes. I am a fist to give a punch in your face. I am with rage too many.

Harp Song
No more regrets. No more deers, no more death. We sung the Harp Song sister. I am here, staring at you. We walk now in the streets with no carrying sacrifices. Never desperate in hollows dig. The harp is whispering my name. Every day is whispering it. The calls of the whispering storms are getting more louder. Never letting go. It’s disguise to seek for haunter within. I cannot remember forever how I lost a safe home. I am always listening a harp song, locked from inside out. Its an advise to release myself of losing hope to save yourself. I am seeking for answers, or trying to seek them for a secret very well disguised. It’s my pain shattered to be seen. Is this a reality to pay? Is this worth to be fight? To be shattered?
I know the harp song and I knew too well. I see the trees whispering my name too well. Trees leaves shattered every day to be seen. No more guilt or gluttony to be erased of a story secretly unbelievable. I was always there, I was always the reasons to be seen. I was there forever for you. No more lies to tell. No more broken glass to be shattered. Is this the waiting? If I let you go, our life’s will broken. I am always your brother. We will be another casualty, I need you after the whispers to turn the next page. A next page to be before erased. My heart will be a song for you. A heart shaped heart beaten to bleed only for you. I was always there for you. I need you more than now. I used to be your secret always a confident. No more myself, I swallow the shattered glasses to cover my mouth of dirt or even mud. I am your harp song, always be yours. Nothing more. I was walking over the valleys of death to seek truth to change me. Beating up the clock, trying to reach a won race against the time.
I won’t be alive. I cannot see clearly, voices to see, to be heard. Pull me under. Voices. VOICES! VOICES!
Everything inside was kind. Come and let me see, how you are changes. You changed me a lot. Questioning the answers to be or stay alive. Serpentine song will die soon. So alive, so long crushing empires. The harp song is yours now. No more regret, only protection. No more screams or shouts, no more dedication. Can you see me now? Nowadays, I am the shattered pieces, your voices to stretch you inside. I am the harp song to kill you. These houses are the kingdom we built. Help me to recover the Outpost?

  • Sister, of course I will help. Which Outpost?
  • The Cyna Outpost and Merchant South.
  • Sure, I help. Why you want to do that?
  • Because I want to rule South of Bathleron, all south.
    I heard voices to help. I won’t resign a blood contract to my sister, she is blood of my own. I won’t crush anything without her agreement.
    The reasons to be alive is to help family. It’s always the true. The truth friends we seek every day we walk. They always want to make you happy even too clappy. They are always there for you. Now, it’s time to help sister. The question on denial you had every time you had bad moments are being written and back to you as good deeds. Don’t never fail even when you change the story. Never judge because the way or matter I am. My love felt is always for my family. Whom won’t never judge me.

One day I woke up to see stars arisen. I woke up to see the future of Gaia, the future of my own reflection. I saw too much the insanity of the persons. I saw too much sickness. The silent of sickness feels inside and burns too much. I see stars to seek troubles. These changes made me to escape. No more ups or downs because we are too sick. One more time, I had a good heart, I am a good man, I am a good man, a gentleman, a royal statistical man. Let me awake. Let me being awaken. I am Chi, the shadow envy man, the shadow walking man. I am Chi, the most deed man, too versatile to seek paradise worlds. I saw stars to be arisen, I saw worlds to seek and fight to be a conquest. More to come, to waste, to spit. I am the man of the conquests and my sister is my the minute after the minute, hour after hour, second after second, the shoulder. I spent so many hours to conquer Gaia. Even with so many warriors, so many battles won or to be won, the truth always prevail. I feel or I felt to see stars. The stars are always shining. I am eternally yours. The shadow I have to seek memorials of memories, kisses to give or been given. Eternally yours. I am always there for you, on these riding roads. I see stars, I saw stars to tell secrets. No more lies to be told, being always eternally yours. These wars to come or to become, never will collapse on reflections made by your own. These inspirations always lead. Were always be to be lead, by a pencil written on a battlefield. Another lie, another truth, another sin, always there. We born to see stars, to become an inspiration.
Every day the bridge is cracking new scars. Every day the bridge is paying us for a new sin. Every time I walk on that bridge I am fading away, I always want to jump into the water and bring my shadow again alive. Every ride I make on the bridge I come alive. I see a lot on the bridge, I gave the first kiss there of my first love. Shumito and I loved that, it was a shining star there over the bridge.
Every time I walk alone there I remember the first love or even feeling a love for my family, I am ready to jump. I am ready to see stars over my shining sky, where I live my life every day.
I gather pieces to see stars, eternally yours. Every time I dig on my losing mind, I came too deeply lost. I am trying to seek my happiness. I won’t see why the world must be vanquished, to be clean. I see you are myself. I see the stars, I have seen it. Everybody is marked to die. I need to save them. Stars shining forces, shining strengths to be a war heaven.
I seen the wars before, I seen the lost wars being vanquished. Are you ready to dig? To dig more you used to be?
Dig? DIG! DIG!
I pull the trigger to see stars, I pull the trigger to see life being washed away. I pull the trigger to see new stars being arisen. I have not built everything before I see you shoot or being shot.
I see the stars to be respect. I seen the respect to be morality. I cannot bite my tongue before stars arisen. I made so many mistakes to lie down. I made so lies beneath. I see stars, the stars to shot. I have a blade to cut them off. My humanity has gone. Release me or give what I want. More violence to be written. I always thought the stars were a fake religion. Like I was and I am a purple fake person, only my sister have comfort with me. She feels safe with me. So I am a good man. These darkness flaws are always the fake ones. See the enemies closer. It’s tiny to see the stars. Scream with your lungs too loud. It’s safe to scream. Shout like a warrior in a renegade battlefield. It’s no doubt you want to see the stars. Never die, stay alive to see a new reality to grow.

These stars, these pulses, these sounds, these wars, the drums rush a lot of sounds surrounding you. It’s hard to breathe. Never die, we will won someday. Another shot to be shot. Another Fenix to be arisen of the ashes.
We must to track the tracks we make. We should conquer the chances to see the stars arisen. Every time I spend time to read or to see how we can battle an invisible war, I see darkness on the skies. It’s a moment of truth gentleman. We are ready to see stars. Every time I drew a way out, the circle gone. We must choose a wider and vast conquest plan.
The mountains of Srish are being fulfill of men against us. These mountains are too deadly and too deep. These are places easily deadly. Is so beautiful to see the mountains bloom. Bloom to bloom like flowers. Remember to see the gateway, killing off the witch of crime she doesn’t commit. Screaming off the graveyard. No more words, the words, to words allusive. It’s shadow hunted these mountains of graveyards. Cremations allusive. It’s in your fate. To see stars collide, dreams to see or even to seek. This a moonlight. A tear to be shed. A dream to be taken. A sorrow to be healed. A heart to run against time. Good night say goodbye to the stars shed. Everyday ashes to make believe the strongest words. Stars say my name in secrecy. Connections to name my name in vows. I made a vow to the stars, waiting in secrecy. To see the spirits before I leave. I walk alone on these streets almost dying. The stars are crying my name better our names. Here we shed more tears then the rain become rivers. The tears are now rivers. These rivers, these spirals are getting worse than me I was. As I can remember before. I saved my sister life. I forgot out how I become what I am now. These homes I saved are now homes to vow. I am a mask, I am sick to wear a mask to disguise the truth. I ran a lot of the truth to see my fate fulfill of hatred. Virtues. I saved myself off a disguise I am trying to hide. I burnt my eyes in name of love.
My disguise is too much complex, I saw stars when I swarm in the battlefield. If I can fight demons on a friction of seconds. I became the cause of everything in a pandora box. Trying to seek of the serum of the truth. I need the stars, my sister more than never to compose a life to pay. My life to pay when I close my eyes.
I see the eyes of the storm next to you. I seen a lot of pain while you are sick. Nothing left of me, I am burning closer to you.

Today I shed a lot. Tears dropping into a sea, into a river of crystals. Diamonds are not forever. I pled to peace, for peace. The demons are hunting me from inside. These demons of the present are the hollows of the life I took away in the past. Come and let me in. The crystals of the rives became diamonds. These are the most beautiful to be shed on my teardrops. Teardrops are always the hunger inside of me. Myself destructive.

  • I shed tears over my teardrops to hollow my grave. I have been hunted by the overcoming hollows. Are we alive?
    Answers to be answered. Answers. We shed tears. We shed fear even being fearless. I was always a dream. To be forgotten and wished more than never. Everything I said its to telling you, cause no one to blame myself. No ones takes care of me, a killing machine. No more pulse to see the tears. Bleeding in entire nations. My tears seems to be teardrops with glass. I am always waiting to see how my sister don’t die. She is my break. I am a sinner. No more I see the fallen skies or seen it. Here I stand for a new beginning. I am locked in cages. Before I release my demons way out. I was writing always letters to see my sister. I am a believer. I shed tears we shed tears like teardrops into a cup, a glass cup. I switch the head button to release demons after I set the anxious heart beat on.
  • Sister how are you today?
  • I don’t have guts to see you suffer.
  • Don’t suffer because of me. You are now the new Shogun. The persons will see that on you. You are pacify of us.
  • I know that, but I am afraid of being. After all the flaws and injuries I made to us all.
  • Forget that now. You are now the reason. The reason to be lived. You shed tears for a reason, a poison to be healed.
  • We are living as warriors, we are the safe of Bathleron. I cannot remember that since our parents or being of our grandpas. We live a dream of peace now. And to see outcome. The reasons the treasons we made are safe for us all.
  • I know sister, my beloved sister. We are the trojan horse now, the flare to burn new incomes. Every time we shed tears for you are always teardrops. We suffer with you, even inside. The valleys, the shadows are ours. Thankfully to us, to our armies. I know that, it was a strike I decided to make.
  • Instead are lies to be cleaned. Too much lies on our life’s, situations to be cleanse. We made a cleansing. The world as we know will change forever.
  • Beloved brother I need to rest.
    The tears are now teardrops in a cup. No more reasons to live or to die. We always shed tears for our beloved. This is a paradise. Are so many reasons to treason, we had a cup of teardrops that we wished for. To bury and cover tracks before the tragedy dies. Fall. The reasons, the treasons are coming from my heart. We can try to run, to try to escape on these edges of life. These are moments of life to fulfill lungs of joy. Over and over again before we see the end.
    The end is never always the end of the tears, teardrops on a cup, a glassed cup. I choke the earth to see the empowered of the teardrops coming into glass.
    They became teardrops on a broken path, a path already glass. Trying to achieve a green grass on the top of the edges. Tears, teardrops, falling down. They went back to misery of ourselves.
  • Sister how are you now? I missed you a lot. The Shogun wars began. - I am fine dear now, I need I still need to rest. I must get lay down.
  • sorry about hear that, to listen your whispered fragile voice.

The days are countless. These mornings almost gone, almost dying. The autumn we used to see gone. We cannot remember how it was. The vanquished moments are too fragile. This time I was seeking for truth. These voices pulling me under. These tracks to seek for a kindness touch. These tears were so in break. Here I seek for truth. Cult. A seek for a cult, I don’t need for destruction. No more runaways, no more screams. Forget yourself. No more taught’s only sins. No more walls only tears. No more thru, just wish well to yourself. I am into deep before the tears becomes teardrops. Open your eyes I am you. My head is screaming too loud. Another arisen. Another teardrop to bleed. I went on the mud to the scream of teardrops. Getting into glass teardrops. Wishing for. Praying for. Fall. My voices are getting worse only hear drops. I am teardrops into glass, into a green grass field. I am in a silhouette. I am charging for tears on my chick. Wishing for truth.
I beg for lust. I beg for creed. Another moment to sold the spirit to the witch. It is beyond our own crimes. No more cries, no more to be shed. I cannot hold my teardrops allusive. It’s a dream sleeping awaken. It’s a fate to be reflected. Preaching for time, a time already lost. No more moonlights.

These roads are awaken. It’s not your fault. I am on disguise. These mirrors of lies will be broken someday.
I lose my mind, to lose my home. I lost my belief. To seek for a better recognition. I have locked inside out. I wear a mask to hide my real. I am sick to see answers. No more answers to be told for mistakes I made. I burnt a mask already, my soul had been sold. I need to stay alive now in a home I was used to be there. I am here to stay. Even fighting demons where does not belong. Today, I preach, I prayed, my demons still hunting me. I heard voices and I still hear. These hopeless changes leading me to new numb changes. I am too evil, mom help me. I have sin. These systems are made to be hunger. The moments shattered to be broken like glass. We see castles in glass being broken. We are one of them. We are demons too. The glass is more easily to break. Here we stay to break a cycle. Look at yourself, the changes are no a point of no return. The sickness arise, the necessary evil came. No more changes, troubles came to face to see the world in a mess. I am a messenger of the hatred of everyone. No more injuries, no more death. If I can let you go of these lust life’s I will cover up everything in a box.
These enemies we write, are the mind keeping ways or spins. The light on the streets trying to switch for a page on the ghosts books. We drew a ghost to see the never ending, the never ending of our life’s. I was too lost, my fallen part is being rewritten to see how to late I came home.
It seems it were not enough. The love we have came for so long too late on our hearts. Go, let me see what have you done. The suits we made, the masks we made are knocking at the door. No more silence to be silent. Serpentine song is always listened. Never been replaced. We are skulls, so long to see our bones being erased on the times of the elders. It had been so long, for so long we listened voices to make our creed a new religion. The prayers are the sinners now, always been.
No silence to be silent. Now, we must, we must wipe the false, the false prayer.
I will remain so long the prayer of the real love. I am here to listen my sister forever, with my family on my heart, on a true guidance.
We are the build we made over the years. These years we built past, present and future will be always us. No more to be regret. The lies we build for walls are to build a better person behind the truth. Serpentine Song will be, always be the whispering vanquished song. These songs tells us how you drive your life through your early days. We are always eternally yours for our families, even you tell a lie. These lies are always for them. Eternally yours. So get up, fight now and fight with them. These Songs are the will, the faith we are used to pray against a land of the fogs. These land of fogs leaves fingerprints, footprints, distractions. In the last past, they parish to lead us. These wreckage ships will be driven by the fog, to be hidden in our secrets we shed before. Ever you felt the Songs inside you? I won’t tell a secret how I found my faith. These secrets must be found by yourself. These rides we share with family are the best, were the best. These words tries to tell how we make pieces, fragments of life to live as a human. A new man in a new war. I was always a man with no hope, now I found. Today, I shed tears in name of Serpentine Song.
These reflections you see, made by your own, are getting more crystal. Before you surrender on a new day to born as a new leader.
These leads of the higher powers lead us to the rage. If you cannot control them, try to consume them.
Everybody is a new men. Everybody is a new child, a new women. Trying to sing the Songs sung. Trying to feel the faith being a fulfill destiny. Are being alive like a human, alive like being humans. This song is to be sung. I cannot see clearly now, the light is off now. Where is the song now? I sung a lot for getting more answers.

  • Dear, you are dreaming or nightmares. Woke up. Woke up.
  • Sorry my nightmares came now. Again.
  • I seen it.
  • I cannot see or think clearly. I need to sing the songs sung. Or even whispering them.

  • I am not a reflection of dad or even grandpa. I need guidance.
  • I know dear. You need me to make the righteous. I am good now, we can now survive and rule Babel even help Bathleron.
  • Thank GOD.
  • Go to sleep, you need to rest.
  • I will.
    I have seen roads to be vanquished. I have seen songs to be killed. Every time I spent hours to sing I feel the edges of safe coming. Are you on these roads like me?
    I listen a lot of screams. I see a lot of fences to be the barricade world.
    It’s not easy to see our world being at war again, in the New ERA war. It’s not easy to the glory to become the truth. The reasons we fight are to be lead like warriors forever. Eternally forever.
    These roads of the believers are getting more dark. Every step we did to knock down a pace, a page to close a situation. Give me guns to suit up we are going to war, to war to see deadly ways too. This is no any kind of fallen dreams. Here. Stay. I am sick and tired to tell you are a sick asshole. Trying to seek a way out to see fences. Promise me why you wont do it again.
    These bodies tumbles, shake a lot, on a failing system to die the corpse. I tried to shoot against my body, to see the lunacy of my mind drives me. So many things I tried to understand. I am teaching to our army how I am a darkness man, I used to be a man with no hope. I drove the mind against a clockwise time. Trying to consume faith, to see the faith on my men. I had lost the faith before, trying to save again. Now, I lost time, I lost the moments I should meant to see. These roads are the faith for us all. Fight them, fight the demons with me and will see the songs being sung.
    Can you see me for my actions before world told me to leave me alone or left me alone. These demons were not be the future. Lemme in. The roads of the goodbyes being never been the last let me in. Close your eyes. These songs being sung already sung my death wish. Another world, I won’t see the blood being shed on my goodbyes. The goodbyes I wished for. These lollipops are being covered up, covered of lies. These won’t leave more. I won’t resign before or after my body will be dust. No more escapes, no way out. Tell me how to change. Silence to be silent. Silence to sung like a song to be saved. These roads are the worst thing we saw or seen. The roads are fulfil of poison or treasons. Everyone is afraid to see them, for a friction of death. These lead us all to death, to burning flames. I never forgot to hear my dad or grandpa about the roads of the lands of the fogs. We tried to pull pins, pull everyone from there. Cathedrals being wiped for their left alone religions. Whom was driven to them lost faith. I am trying to lead an incursion to get back everyone from there. Is a way out. We need to achieve that now. Our army will go there with me.
    Can you see my actions, never been taught. Always have been seen through the eyes of others. No massive quiet places to warm. Inside my mind I teach myself to be a child. Secretly I ride mountains for enemies to seek. No one knows me for real, only losing my mind. I am not you, you, I am just too scared. Every time I am fading too loud, to a place hidden. No ones know me for real. Can you see the dreams, losing a fall kind gesture. Dreaming like no one. Beneath the sounds, the glass we broke. I saw glass being broken. The dreams like glass are too easy to be broken. I am too scared to be hunted. I am a prisoner of myself. Touching heresy all day, over and over. I am on a riding loop pain ray. No more defiles. Are a strange to be iron and kiss. Gimme a life again, I feel fear again. I wanna know, question them. I have been vanquished over a strange moment.
    Never and never again, pull the trigger. I pull the trigger to be safe. No more to see clear, I wish to be dead. Are you alive? Always asking that all the time. Where should I see love. Always asking, should I see?

Roads #3
I am Shishimato, sister of Chi, the Shogun of Babel. I am the wise, the wisdom, the breath, the taker of everything. My heart have been opened over the emotions. I became a stranger to enjoy life. Illumination over darkness. I am living my life over Bushido law. Trying to be safe, to be less enjoyable. Every wise men became crystal clear, the waves of the emotions became the search of breeze. The echoes are being washed, trying to make a stand. Love came to Bushido law before Ronin died. Fulfilled like empty, the owls became a resistance breath.
Who have I became? The law became life for me and my brother. It isn’t easy to hear the call, on so many ways. Trying to accomplish something beautiful like I am as a bird trying to fly.
My sword is my law, my life on a new roam to be achieved. The end is not the end, a lot of maybes and goodbyes. It’s a new start for a new meaning of cycles. No one wants new cries over the new signs. Even on new signals. I am a flame with my red blade, I am a Ronin fighting a new law.
No more maybes and goodbyes. This is a new road, between heartless and broken tears.
I made a new stone. After made it I buried it alive. Do you feel safe? I am the new will behind new flames of opportunities beyond a new fair and new journeys. I saw a new shore, a safe point at a new pear. This is a new journey. I realized I am new. I am new on a road trying to challenge new journeys. I am on a new road of achievements, can you see? Can you? I am the Ronin calling the echoes of morality. Never seen.

I roam, I roam on a new ride. Evidence being summoned, I made most of the will, the law of being a treason. Damned you, damned. Roaring on a new symptom.
Son of a gun, trying to eradicate the false law. Indulging in pleasure the taken of possessions or even obsessions. I am walking as a dead bushido without home, without place to stay.
Who am I? Who am I? I roam over a lost road. Lying down crying like a dead man with no place. An indulging fear sucker.

  • Pray to the GODS, Goddess will help you Chi. These letters are too vanquished. Open your eyes, obliteration to testify no one care anymore. These vultures will cover us. Will come to this. The threat is here. Open your eyes Chi, I am your sister, an immersive sea, enemies with lack of vision.
    A perspective to be a fatal wound. The final act is here. Aragato. These wounds will cover us.

  • Don’t go Chi, you are my brother. Where have you been? No more lies between obliterations of the fake Messiah. The culture made us. You are the good, coming to bleed us to death with your kindness. The real is real. Reality is reality. The threat is here.

  • Come to me, I am the truth. You are the truth. Chi, you are the eyes of this reality. I don’t know how you can hurt me in dying in fear. The wounds can hurt. No hurt-less, dying inside our heads, with too many answers to be answered. You are us. You don’t know, voice be hurt, dying in fear. On the streets you know, they all follow you. The war is here, came side by side. This cancer can be heartless. Don’t shout at me, I am your sister. What have you done?

  • Shishimato, I can’t hurt you, I am fine now. Arigato for answering. You are not the concern, it’s peace under our shelters. I am the Shogun. Will you follow me on this war? Will you? I am the fear in vain. Running kindness in the veins. Our society has life beyond life. No more tears. Tragedy, broken failure will be the end of this manuscript. Terminating the issue, before it blows.
    Don’t answer before the clouds come. It’s an illusion. Another hive to be battled, split into the emptiness. Cowards are going to bleed. Another blade to be vanquished.

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